Tuesday, September 7, 2010

new site!

Hey everyone, I've moved the site to this new address: http://powerlegup.blogspot.com/ so update your bookmarks, rss feeds, google reader, etc! Go there for more info! And more pictures!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Oregon's Waterfalls: Latourell Falls

This is it.  The waterfall that got me soaked.  OK, it’s not the waterfall’s fault.  And I didn’t get completely soaked, but I did get pretty wet.  It wasn’t raining when we got out of the car, so my dad and I walked down to the base.  On the way down it started raining a little bit, but nothing serious.  Then we got to the base and I got a few pictures with my wide lens.  We were heading back up when I decided I needed a picture of myself.  That’s when it really started raining.  My dad shot a couple pictures, and the downpour started.  I put my camera under my jacket and we ran back up the hill to the car.  It was too late though; the damage was done.  We were pretty wet.  It was worth it though, and my camera survived.

It's Latourell Falls

I’m usually the one taking pictures.  I don’t take too many self-portraits when I’m out shooting at pretty places, so when I had the opportunity to have my dad take a picture of me with a cool background I jumped on it.

Me at Latourell Falls (or maybe somewhere in the rain forest?)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Oregon's Waterfalls: Horsetail Falls and Wahkeena Falls

Next on the tour is Horsetail Falls.  See that?  It looks kind of like a horse’s tail.  

This Would Also Be Horesetail Falls

It's Horsetail Falls

Let’s take a moment and enjoy a calmer, more peaceful waterfall; Wahkeena Falls.  Almost a babbling brook, if you will.  The actual falling part of this one is upstream, but it was rainy and we didn’t want to make the trek up.

It's the Bottom of Wahkeena Falls

It's the Bridge at Wahkeena Falls

Also the Bottom of Wahkeena Falls

One More of the Bottom of Wahkeena Falls

Monday, July 12, 2010

Oregon's Waterfalls: Multnomah Falls

The first full day I was in Portland last month we took a nice drive up the Colombia River Gorge to check out the sights.  Along the way we stopped at a few waterfalls, including the ones featured here; Multnomah Falls, Horsetail Falls, Wahkeena Falls, and Latourell Falls.  It rained much of the day, and it had been raining a lot prior to our arrival, and while it made for a few wet situations (like when my dad and I walked to the base of Latourell Falls and got caught in a downpour) it made for a lot of water flowing through each of the falls.  As I’ve mentioned before, waterfalls kind of amaze me; they’re made of a seemingly infinite amount of water flowing so furiously.  
First up: Multnomah Falls.  Sure, you’ve seen it on film.  Well now, you’ll see it digitally and wide.

Checking Out Multnomah Falls

It's Multnomah Falls

This Would Also Be Multnomah Falls

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

California Love

I've had a lot of mixed feelings the last few weeks.  So take a look at these California love based pictures.  On film.  As they should be.  Courtesy of my Olympus OM-2n.



Friday, June 25, 2010

Multnomah Falls

Waterfalls really fascinate me. &nmsp;There is so much water flowing so fast, practically infinitely. &nmsp;I don’t think I had ever had the chance to see huge waterfalls before going to Portland. &nmsp;And while in Portland, I got to see a few. &nmsp;The largest was Multnomah Falls, which also happens to be the highest in Oregon. &nmsp;It was pretty spectacular. &nmsp;Here it is via my Olympus OM-2n and Holga.





I got pictures of the others we saw too, so stay tuned.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Pizza at the Beach

I noticed today that I’ve only posted here once this whole month.  That’s a problem, especially if you never visit my flickr page.  I need to do a better job of spreading the wealth between flickr and here.  

This is one more from Venice Beach.  There are so many shops along the boardwalk.  If you want some sunglasses, Venice Beach is the place to go.


This isn't the pizza served there, but is the pizza served at a place at Huntington Beach.  It was good.


Both film.  Both Olympus OM-2n.