Many thanks to my friend Hannah, who (strongly would be an understatement) pushed my decision to try it out. I’m so glad I did! I bought a Holga, which is a “toy” camera known for interesting results based on its cheap build quality. Interesting = art, so here we go folks. I have a feeling this is the start of something. That something being me shooting a ton of film and going way overboard. I don’t generally like doing things half way, so Hasselblad here I come! (… if I like film as much as I feel I will). Also expect me to become a film camera snob. “Pfft, you still shoot digital?” you’ll hear me say. OK, maybe that's just a tiny bit too far. Anyway, enjoy my FILM photos. I know I do.

Well this is certainly interesting. I did learn a lot about film shooting this semester in my art "class." Film photography is definitely meant for physical prints. There are a lot of different methods for printing that gives you completely different results. And some of these results can't be properly portrayed on the computer. Also, do you have access to a dark room? That's the other thing, all that stuff you have been doing in photoshop, you got to do physically in the ol' dark room. You also have to deal with expensive light monitors which are pretty dang important.
ReplyDeleteWell besides the high cost of entering into film and work. I personally love film photography you can get a lot out of it that you can't get digitally. But of course the opposite is just as true.
I have no idea what you're talking about.